Here is my heat transfer material, cutting mat and a bit of tape to hold it in place.
Here is the Silhouette machine. I like to put a little bit of tape on the corners of my material to secure it to the cutting mat. Notice that I don't have to use a full sheet, saves time and money!
These are the iron on transfers after they have been cut out and are ready to be ironed onto the shirts.
Here are the shirts, boring! The best thing about shirts like this is that I was able to get them in the clearance section for $3 and $2! Love that!
Here's the little onesie.. I love that little whale!
Here's the shirt for the baby's sister. I put a little button on the center of the flower with fabric glue to add a little embellishment. I was happy with how they turned out and most of all that they did not cost me a bundle!
Note: Please forgive my poor photography skills! I have been toying with my camera, but it seems to not like me, no such thing as user error, right ;)!
Also, I thought I would include a picture of the beautiful flower bouquet that Brooklynn made. It reminded me so much of the way God sees us. Some of the flowers are weeds, some are iris' and some are, well, I'm not quite sure what they are! We all are the same strange mixture of sin, beauty and confusion, but God wants to wholly take us and make us more like His son if we let Him! Then He can take out the weeds and replace them with beauty to be set before a king!