Monday, September 26, 2011

Little Boxes

This past weekend my husband and I were able to get away to San Francisco for the weekend. The girls stayed with my husband's parents (Josiah is still somewhat attached!) and headed to the foggy city. We had a fun time and were able to see some friends and family. This trip I wanted to head to some of the large fabric stores. We went to one of the most famous and oldest fabric stores in San Francisco, called Britex Fabrics and bought a couple fabrics which I'm very excited to make into some cute things.

In the blogging world though I thought I would share something I made for my desk. A while  back I knew I needed some organization in my new space so I took an idea I saw from Shanty2Chic and made it mine!

 I started with a yogurt box because I thought it would be the perfect size to put mail and bills that needed to be paid.

 I then cut them in half and got out my trusty glue gun.

 I then got some fabric that I had, it is actually a painters drop cloth (shhhhh!) and glued it to the box. I made sure to have enough to fit around the box and then cut the sides to go under the side fabric. There are a couple of ways this could have been done, but mine didn't need to be special, so I just did it quick! I then tucked the excess fabric inside the box.

 I then picked out my accent fabric and folded over one side and glued it to create a clean edge and then glued the rest around the top of my box.

I like how these little guys came out and they are turning out to be quite handy in my work station! I do have 2 of them and made a little rosette to put on the second one. They turned out great!

Hope you all have a great day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Skirt for me!

This past week my husband and I celebrated 8 years of marriage, whoo! The years have flown by in one sense and yet it seems like yesterday that we were dating and in college. Can anyone relate??? I has been a great 8 years and I do truly feel blessed to be married to a man who loves me, our family and works hard for us. I am really looking forward to getting away with him for a couple of days this weekend without the girls , yea!!!! Well in the craft world, I have been working on some sewing projects for me. I loved the skirts that I made for the girls this past summer, but have wondered if it would look good on me. I really love skirts especially in the heat! I found some fun fabric from our local quilting shop, Honey Run Quilters and went to work.

I first picked a yard of fabric from the store.

I then sewed the ends together to make a tube and pressed them flat. Pay attention to the pattern of the fabric. Some fabric it will not matter, but with mine I wanted to line up the chairs and have them vertical on my skirt.

I measured and I wanted a 2 inch ruffle on the bottom, so I cut 4 four inch strips of the fabric I was using for the ruffle.

I then pressed the fabric in half.

I then sewed raw edge to raw edge keeping in mind the pattern of my fabric. I like to gather my fabric to make the ruffle while I am sewing it to the skirt. If you prefer to premake the ruffle just make sure you have enough fabric.

I then took the measurement of my elastic and sewed a tube about 1/4 of an inch bigger than my elastic. I threaded the elastic through the tube making sure to leave an open hole to be able to secure the elastic later.

Once it was feed through I did two zigzag stitches to secure the elastic and then sewed the hole closed.

Turn the skirt back out and that is it. This is a pretty lame picture of me wearing the skirt. You can see I was holding one of my daughter's while I was trying to get a decent picture of me in it. Some things you just can't win, ha! Just trust me, I love it. It is super comfy and only ended up costing $7! Yea! Hope your Tuesday is going well!

Monday, September 12, 2011

My new shop...

I thought I would begin this blog post before Josiah's birth. I was about 38 weeks pregnant and my mother-in-law told me they were replacing windows on one of their rentals. Ahhh...old windows!!! I asked her if I could kindly take the old ones off her hands. She was more than happy to let me have them. The only thing was they were about 30 minutes away and I was very pregnant. My almost 80 year old grandmother was in town helping me so I bribed her to come with me to pick them up. I knew I wouldn't be able to do anything with them for a while, but YEAH!!! 14 windows!!!  I think my grandma thought I was crazy and might have had a heart attack if I went into labor on the drive, but we made it. Anyway, all of that excitement to share what has become of the windows. Here are some of them. I was able to finish these with the help of my dear friend Adrienne and we have put them on Etsy.  You can check them out here, but I thought I would show you the windows on my blog as well! Also, the pictures were taken by our friend Danielle Albini and you can check out her cute blog here.

We combined the use of fabric and vinyl on most of the windows. I personally LOVE the fabric on the windows!

We also love the fact that you can use dry erase pens on the windows! So much fun!

Thanks for letting my share my corner of the world!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A quick cute pillow

 I love holidays. My husband doesn't have to work and it makes Sundays heavenly. This past weekend my husband took the girls to a friend's cabin overnight and I stayed home with Mr. J. I was just a little excited since I knew I could knock out some projects. Those are yet to come, but I thought I would post some pillows that I finished up for my brother's wedding. They were super quick and easy yet turned out super cute.

I was given these pillow cases and asked paint a Eiffel tower on them. I seriously love my Silhouette machine. I. love. it. I am able to go online anytime of the day and buy whatever image I like for $.99, and then it is mine to use whenever. Well, that is what I did with this. I bought the Eiffel tower image online and then cut an image out of vinyl. I then placed it on the pillow like this.

I then  used acrylic paint and a foam brush to fill in the image. I did make sure to press down the sides so the paint did not bleed through. You also could do this with freezer paper.

I then painted the image in (as you can see it looks like one big blob...)

I let it dry for a bit then pulled off the vinyl and viola. a cute throw pillow. I liked how these turned out and they did look super cute at the wedding reception.

I am currently working on something super fun and hope I can post it by the end of the week, so keep your eyes out!